Saturday, March 8, 2014

ISFiT Diaries XI - The Experience called ISFiT

Recollections from the International Students’ Festival in Trondheim 2013

There was so much happening at ISFiT at all times, that I didn’t realize until the last day that 10 days elapsed like smoke in the air. These 10 days has been of learning and unlearning, of discussion and dialogue, of fun and fruits, of agreements and disagreements, of plenary sessions and parties, of dancing and dahls, of HahoHe and our host, of cheese and cheers, of listening and laughter, of mediation and music, of skiing and spiceless food, of freezing temperatures and warm embraces and of check-ins and check-outs.

Source: Google Images
The city of Trondheim will bear witness that 450 students from all over the world left their lives behind and gathered at Studentersamfundet as global citizens. They gathered to celebrate diversity, for hope, for the future, to tell the world that we care, but more importantly, we gathered to trade ideas.

We all came to ISFiT as strangers but we leave as friends – friends for life. I never really thought that Studentersamfundet would become like our home and the workshop people our family. I never really thought that living in temperatures below -15 C° was a good idea. I never really thought I could like cheese. I never thought that I could become best friends with Megha.

Click by a Trondeimer 
The experience called ISFiT was kickass, personally enriching, professionally rewarding, and financially challenging, it was simply amazing – a memory for life. These 10 days will always be remembered as one of the most amazing times I’ve ever had.  


  1. Dr. Isn't it wonderful that ISFiT made you a Pakistani and Megha an India to sit and talk and become friends, that is the spirit. Its all about ideas to solve our common challenges. Perhaps, you and Megha are the ambassadors to initiate the lasting peace between your two countries..
